RADIN | Auto.Transfer.Switches

Product detail

RDQ3NM Series

Working Mode
● RDQ3NM series intelligent dual power ATS have two working mode: Auto mode and Manual mode.
● Auto Mode: RDQ3NM series ATS according to the controller functions have three modes: Auto change Auto recovery (R) Auto change no auto recovery (S) and Power Grid-Generator (F), the first two mode used in power grid-power grid system, the latter mode is used in power grid-generator system.
● Manual mode: manual mode has three working mode, main power, backup power and breaker trip modes. Under manual working mode, there will be no auto transfer function.
○ Main power mode: Forced disconnecting backup power, and turn ON the main power;
○ Backup power mode: Forced disconnecting the main power and turn ON the backup power;
○ Breaker trip mode: To disconnecting two power sources, also can switch on the fault tripped circuit breaker.